
【Toys】World of Warcraft Giant Foam Doomhammer Replica 毀滅之錘

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World of Warcraft Giant Foam Doomhammer Replica

Bring doom to your enemies
Through blood the weapon shall pass, as surely as night begets day,
Until the elements cry unheard, and pride turns to unbridled rage.
The last of the line shall deliver salvation and doom upon his kind.
Honor will be undone and all will be lost, before it is found again.
A stranger will raise the hammer high, and with it justice shall reign.

While the real Doomhammer was composed of solid granite on an oak handle, our warehouse monkeys threatened mutiny if they had to lift them. (Monkeys aren't nearly as strong as orcs, it seems.) So we had to settle for the LARP-variety Foam Doomhammer. Designed with WoW geeks and LARPers in mind, the Foam Doomhammer is made of polyurethane with PVC tube piping to make it strong, yet lightweight. Experience the thrill of Thrall while wielding this impressive 22" long weapon.

Product Specifications

  • Doomhammer replica for fans of World of Warcraft
  • Made of polyurethane and PVC tube piping
  • Wrapped with genuine leather
  • Dimensions: 22" x 10" x 7"
  • Weight: about 3 lbs
  • Thrall will ALWAYS be our Warchief

照片蠻有質感,不過只有3 LBS 未免也太輕太玩具了~ 售價$149.99 哇! 只能買來敲自已腦袋...

