


Box for Android and Android Tablet lets you view and share files from anywhere!

Box provides simple, secure sharing from anywhere – letting you easily store files online, send big files quickly, access content from your Android phone or tablet, and collaborate with others. Now through Friday, March 23, 2012, log in to receive a free 50GB account upgrade! Box for Android lets you:

* Access, create and view content on your Android phone or tablet
* Upload multiple images, videos and files from the SD card
* Save files to your SD card for offline access
* Easily share files and folders with links
* Invite colleagues to shared folders and leave comments on files for them (note that you’ll need to grant permission for the app to access your contacts – we only use this permission to quickly retrieve email addresses when you want to invite collaborators, and we do NOT store any contact information on Box’s servers)
* Find content fast with built-in search
* Save files you edit or create in other Android apps to your Box account
* Add a widget to your home screen to see updates on files by colleagues

去年ios用戶box提供這個免費升級,Android也得到囉 (os. 現在才想到)

到 23.mar.2012 前下載安裝box 新舊帳戶都可升級~但之前用過ios升級過的話就~~沒用了.

