
【root】SuperCID your phone

一開始root及刷機都沒遇到問題,最近ICS發表後一天到晚有軟體可以刷~ 心癢癢!

沒想到 一開始 升級 HBOOT 就出現INCORRECT 接下開始無限重起的惡夢!! 救救命 ~

趕緊上網找問題~發現沒取得SUPER CID! 趕緊服用下列方法 終於順利升級 呼~

引用 : [Guide] to Installing S-off, Unlocking, ClockWork, Root, SuperCID & S-on

STEP 4. WRITE SUPER CID [YOU ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE]- (continue from step 11 below if you have already done this)
(allows you to flash ANY ROM to the device regardless of the carrier. Just click RUU.EXE)
1. Download adb tools here: download for WINDOWS or download for LINUX or from the attachments below
2. On your pc click on your local disk C: Drive (or D: drive for some) (WINDOWS users: Start > My computer > Local Disk (C)
3. Create a new folder called "adb" and extract the files from adb.zip into it. Make sure it doesn't create another folder in the adb folder when extracting

4. open command prompt (or terminal for linux) and type "cd" "followed by the path to your adb folder" (windows users can type "cd C:\adb")
5. Ensure your phone is switched on (regular home screen) and connect it by USB in charging mode (Ensure usb debugging is on settings)
6. enter the command "adb devices". This is to confirm your phone is connected. (It should come back with list of devices attached and your serial number)
7. enter the command "adb reboot-bootloader". (nothing further required device WILL reboot in bootloader)
IF it doesn't you can Manually put the phone in the bootloader/hboot mode
Navigate to fastboot by pressing volume down and pressing power button to select (power off > vol down + power on)
It will take you to the fastboot bootloader screen on your phone
Connect your phone via USB
Your Screen should now read fastboot USB
8. enter the command "fastboot oem writecid 11111111"
9. enter the command "fastboot reboot-bootloader (Wait for it to reboot the bootloader)
10. enter the command "fastboot getvar cid" [it should confirm your CID is 11111111]
11. enter the command "fastboot reboot"
12. You can now flash any ROM you like.

