
【ROM】Apr.14 Sense-o-Maniac -ICE- v2.8 Sense3.6 |Your Rom,Your Way|Sweep2Wake

我最愛用的sensation ROM ^0^

最近作者卯起來更新阿~ 手機才刷2.3沒多久~ 作者很快更新到2.5又再更新到2.8

我看這次多了Sweep2Wake這個新功能,心癢 馬上更新去囉! rom體積越來越大了說 >"<

ps. 手機截圖功能--是要音量下鍵+power鍵一起按(不能分開按,會等到天長地久都沒反應) 一秒後就會存圖!

ps2. 自從有了HTC Camera HQ 1080p 我覺得畫質有稍微好一點點! 還是輸我的N82阿 淚奔@@~


[ROM] Apr.14 Sense-o-Maniac -ICE- v2.8 Sense3.6 |Your Rom,Your Way|Sweep2Wake



-= Sense-o-Maniac - ICE Sense 3.6 =-
Your Rom, Your Way
Android 4.0.3 & Sense 3.6
Base: HTC Sensation - 3.32.401.105_R RUU
- Bloatware Free -


  • Android 4.0.3 - 3.32.401.105_R - ThxFootbal for the RUU
  • HTC Stock kernel
  • Optional Bricked 3.0 kernel - Credits to Showp
  • Optional Bricked 3.0 GPU OC kernel - Credits to Showp
  • Optional Full Wipe in the installer
  • Adreno 2xx GPU Binaries
  • Advanced Power Menu (a big thx toCapyChimp to pull this masterpiece off)
  • HTC Stock Camera
  • Optional HTC Camera HQ 1080p - Credits to NoDo-GT
  • HTC IME Trace
  • No Recent Apps - Optional
  • Stock Rosie
  • 5x5 Rosie Transparent BG and no text
  • Beats audio
  • Sony Bravia Engine - Optional
  • Speed & RAM Scripts
  • Zipaligned on every boot for speed
  • Disabled HTC Snooping
  • Speed optimization scripts
  • init.d support
  • Face unlock
  • Multi language
  • Rooted and added latest SU
  • ES File Explorer - Optional
  • Tweaked for speed & memory improvement
  • Fully Zipaligned
  • Fully de-odexed
  • EXT 4
  • Restore packages are available in the interactive user installer (Your choice what you want)
  • WiFi Calling Support for US Tmous users & Orange WiFi Boost - Optional
  • Extended QuickSettings (Thx J4n87)
  • Aroma Installer (Thx Amarullz) 1st Sensation rom with Aroma Installer
  • Cifs Support
  • Volume Wakeup Key - Thx Max128 -Optional
  • Bricked CmdLine-Khz script - Change zip name values to set your desired clockspeed & Screen off Mhz before flashing
  • Sweep2Wake - All credits for Show-P1984
  • Native Screenhot - (PowerMenu + Home)

